#SensingSpirituality Arts Faith_and_Art_2025

Sensing Spirituality

What can 5 physical senses reveal?

The first of our 2025 Faith and Art workshops has the title “Sensing Beauty”. We won’t be spending our time trying to find a way to define beauty, or even agree on what each person finds attractive or beautiful. If you are interested in that, there are scientific papers which study it.

Instead, we will focus on exploring how we as humans can use our five physical senses to become aware of aspects of life like beauty which are not easily described, let alone agreed on. The aim will be to help each other nurture the ability to sense and find ways to discuss sensings/feelings of challenge, otherness, beauty and so on. Aspects of living which are as natural as sensing heat, but which are often buried as hidden private thoughts or elevated to the domain of experts.

If you are coming to the first “Faith and Art” event please enter through the Brooms road entrance to the hall, rather than the main St Michaels Kirk entrance. There is much more about Sensing Spirituality after the link below:

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