The most common comments I receive about creative worship fall into two categories. “How can I be more creative?” and “That must take a long time to do”. I think both observations are true, so here are some thoughts from a lifetime based on reflecting about them. From the beginning God is described as creator. […]
Category: Arts
A spirituality of making The scars on the Ruthwell cross are witness to the troubled relationship Christians have with art. We are physical beings who need a world of sensations, we are also spiritual beings who can sense a realm that is more than simply physical. The Bible is filled with references to God crafting, […]
Messy/Muddy Church
Creative Church Building Here are some thoughts reflecting on the experience of running messy and muddy church activities in a seaside Scottish town. Our speaker couldn’t make it on the day, but she sent her thoughts for people to read. You can download some sample running orders for the sessions here: What are your aims? […]
Building Church Creativity
Sharing experiences of God in creation and creating A way to encourage creativity in people is to create an environment where it is normal to express yourself creatively. This might seem like a simple statement, but how many people stop making art after bad experiences in childhood, or as adults don’t feel that their creativity […]
Lent and Easter Cross
Andy Brooke Stained Glass Art Two stained glass crosses are currently hanging in St Johns Church building. They represent the journey towards Easter and the meeting of heaven and earth through an empty tomb. We encourage you to read the artists own words though! – on his blog. And the Lent cross which we posted […]
Lent Cross
If you are able to drop in to the St Johns building in Dumfries you will be able to see the latest art installation. Andy Brook has crafted a cross for the Lent journey. Themes of nails and thorns contribute to a glass so heavily stained that it takes time and effort to find the […]
Thinking Day
Contemplation through cameras. “World Thinking Day” is an international event started by the girl guides and recognised by the scouts too. You can read more about it here Quartz has worked with Stephen Ross before to capture the light reflected from mirrors in one of our Christmas installations. The pictures in this post comes from […]
War Fatigue
Two years ago in 2022 we set up this display as a response to the attack on Ukraine. Around the world in the last few days people have been remembering that the conflict continues. Every year Christians start a journey through Lent. Knowing that Easter Sunday is coming we can voluntarily enter the ‘wilderness’. […]
We went out to Elshieshields for some stargazing last weekend. We enjoyed a combination of looking at stars, reflecting on ancient meanings, and learning with modern technology. We were made welcome with a warm bothy where we could gather for refreshment. The evening was overcast, but we were able to see the moon and Jupiter […]
Pancake party!
Mostly a chance to get together, but there will also be ways to artisticly respond to the season. Please contact us if you need directions.