
Quartz Updates

These posts are a collection of news, information, and personal reflections from members of the Quartz community. If you could like to contribute, please get in touch. If you prefer something more spontaneous, we also have a WhatsApp “Glimmers” group where people post photos, thoughts and phrases that mark moments when they sense the presence […]

climate change creation Forest Church


Domination, Paternalism, or Participation? How do we relate to the land, and how should we relate to it? In the theme of rewilding ecological science and the theology of forest church come together, if you are willing to risk being described as a little mad. There are a lot of links you can click on […]


Elsieshields Quiet Morning

The next first Saturday of the month gathering will be a Quiet Morning.  It will be lovely to see those of you who can make it.  It is a chance to gather together, to be strengthened by our friendship and to find peace and refreshment in the spirit of Our Lord. Tea, coffee and biscuits […]

#SensingSpirituality Forest Church

Summer Wandering

What does it mean to “Find Jesus in the trees”, or in daily life, or a shared bite to eat and drink? Jesus himself is recorded as talking about people “finding” the Kingdom of heaven while doing ordinary task like grinding grain. Perhaps you are someone who catches a glimpse of the Rule of God […]

HelpUkraine Youth

Caerlaverock Cultural Exchange

Lyubotin to Dumfries, and a cultural exchange. A story is told that around the time Caerlaverock castle was built, a certain king known as Edward the exile married a daughter of the Kievian Rus ruler known as Yaroslov the Wise. This woman was called Agetha, and when Edward returned from Exile they brought their daughter […]


Faith and the Vikings

It is the summer season, and a time for travelling. Whilst you might see less of the “Viking” members of Quartz in Dumfries over the summer, they are active around the isles and further abroad. The BBC recently interviewed Simon about. his faith and re-enactment. You can watch the whole episode on i-player (BBC1 […]

#SensingSpirituality Thought of the Day

Quiet Fire

Alison has sent in this reflection from a quiet morning at Elsieshields. Rabbi Yehoshua was once asked “Why did God appear to Moses in such a lowly bush?”The Rabbi answered “Why in a thorn bush? I’ll tell you: To teach there is no place where the Divine Presence is not found, even in a lowly […]


Fundraising Milestone

Thanks to some large donations the time and activities at Barcaple Outdoor centre are fully funded. We have also funded the cost of Visas so they will be let in to the UK! With a combination of contributions from the families, their Ukrainian council and generous donors in Scotland we have also raised enough to […]


Ukrainian School Holiday

Fundraising is going well in our plan to give seventeen children and young people from the east of the Ukraine a break this summer. We have covered the basic costs for accommodation and food at Barcaple. We have raised the funds to pay for Visa support. Money from their local council, and local fundraising from […]

Arts Creative Worship

Messy/Muddy Church

Creative Church Building Here are some thoughts reflecting on the experience of running messy and muddy church activities in a seaside Scottish town. Our speaker couldn’t make it on the day, but she sent her thoughts for people to read. You can download some sample running orders for the sessions here: What are your aims? […]

#SensingSpirituality Thought of the Day Youth


“Light” is used frequently in the Gospels, especially in the good news as told by John. I chose this theme for my final assembly with the Dumfries High School year group I have been chaplain to since they started secondary school during lockdown. As they gather I usually run a video which introduces the theme […]