Forest Church No.2 (Halloween/Samhain)
We will meet again outside the front door of Crichton church for a 2pm start, (The Crichton, Dumfries DG1 4ZZ) Find it on google maps
Please dress for the weather, and don’t rely on there being any indoor (or any other) facilities available. Once we meet we will walk to an appropriate location depending on the weather and the abilities of those who turn up. If you want us to wait for you, please let us know that you are coming!
So that you know what to expect – a rough order of service will probably include:
Meeting in Christ’s name and sharing the peace | (We meet in Christs name – whether you consider yourself close friends, or are just curious, all are welcome – we share his peace.) |
Some Taize chanting Ubi Caritas followed by Bless the Lord my soul | Ubi Caritas on YouTube (please follow the links to find the tunes we will use) |
Reading the Gospel | John 12: 20 – 26 “... I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. 25 Those who love their life lose it, and those who hate their life in this world will keep it for eternal life …“ |
Reading Creation | It is Winter! The chapter from creation we will read today is about letting go of things. What do you need to let go of and burn? What do you need to let go of and plant in hope? We will take some time to look for signs of change in ourselves and our environment. What can we sense physically and spiritually? We will have some games and activites as suggestions for “reading guides” |
Response | If the weather permits, we will sit round a fire to share our response to what we have read. If this is likely to lead to hypothermia we will do this in the Central cafe on the campus. We hope to make a collaborative art response to link to the COP26 conference in Glasgow. This is a space for people to contribute their own prayers, songs, reflections and stories though, so we will listen to each other and the landscape we worship with and decide exactly what we will do. |
Equipment | Something to sit on, a cup to drink from, gloves and a litter picking bag all might be helpful. Don’t burden yourself too heavily though. |
Snack | As there is still a plague in Dumfries. Please bring your own food and drink, and we can share the time together while we eat and respond |
Closing Prayers | As Jesus taught us … (The Lords Prayer in the version you find familiar) |
A wee song, Go in Peace | Go In Peace – Sam Baker Go in peace, Go in kindness. Go in love, Go in faith. Leave the day, The day behind us. Day is done Go in grace Let us go, Into the dark Not afraid, Not alone. Let us hope, By some good pleasure. Safely to Arrive at home. Let us hope, By some good pleasure. Safely to Arrive at home Learn it here |
If it is very wet this might all happen quite quickly. If it is a lovely afternoon we might take more time. If you need to plan around others though allow about an hour. |
There is no need to book, but if you’d like to let us know that you are coming we can keep an eye out for you. If you sign up for the mailing list you’ll find out when the nest one is happening. You can also subscribe to the Quartz weekly newsletter/e-mail.
Please send a message to introduce yourself, – and let us know what interests you in particular!

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0 replies on “Sunday the 31st”
NB. There is a drive in cinema operating in the Easterbrooke hall car park near the Chrichton Church on Sunday.
We will still meet at the church door, but those driving might want to park in the central car park near Hestan house. (And the central cafe)