Community Mission Thought of the Day


Would it upset you to know that there are people living peacefully in Dumfries, having come here to find sanctuary, who are in fear of being detained by representitives of the UK government and deported to Africa? Does this sound like the sort of country you want to live in, or a good way to […]


Winter 24

After all the hustle and bustle of the Scottish festive season as currently experienced, there is a lull while the weather is still cold and the chill mists still cling. So here is a post from another blog that I thought might be relevant! A picture and a poem (and a reading as well if […]

Arts Community Creative Worship


Selected by human rather than algorithm, here is a memory of what was going on in Quartz three or four years ago! I wonder what is quietly germinating in the ground this winter ready to burst out in the next three of four years!

Arts Community Fresh Expressions

Invisible Church

Speaking truth to power. An economy based on the well being of people and environment, rather than GDP. Supporting creative flourishing as a basic human capacity and need. Are you drawn towards these things? Set aside some time to reflect on them in this talk. The new testament collection of books is a record of […]



Words Drawing out Bringing awareness and form To the beauty which lies within. Photos of books made by Alison Fair-Bixler


Forest Church Teddy Bears

A quick look at the Labyrinth we made for the recent St Johns Dumfries Teddy Bear festival. As part of the much larger gathering of teddy bears, Quartz contributed some hanging platforms and a labyrinth. The Labyrinth offered time for reflection – and in the centre a colloquoy of Cathbad’s (some more bear-like that others) […]


Gazing out of the cave


Dove and Blue Boat

I has been a pleasure getting to know artist Andy Brooke (portfolio here) since his families recent relocation to Scotland. He walked into the orbit of Quartz during lockdown. So, despite living in Dumfries, and the odd meeting with other artists professionally through the Stove Network, his first contacts with Quartz were online followed up […]

Community Creative Worship Thought of the Day

Labyrinth craft

Here is a handy wee craft activity. How to make a finger labyrinth We have been making large scale versions using rope for a good few years now. We also have a pottery table top version Alison brought back from Spain. Hopefully, this summer, we will be able to use this to provide people […]



We have passed through Christmas. The season is a welcome break in the drich winters of Scotland. There is light on the streets, and many people take the opportunity to do something special – even during Covid times. In the public gaze, all eyes are drawn to the stable and the birth of Jesus. Beyond […]