Community Mission Thought of the Day


Would it upset you to know that there are people living peacefully in Dumfries, having come here to find sanctuary, who are in fear of being detained by representitives of the UK government and deported to Africa? Does this sound like the sort of country you want to live in, or a good way to […]

Arts Creative Worship Fresh Expressions Mission Thought of the Day


It makes me smile when I think that one of the things which early Christians in these isles are remembered for is illuminated manuscripts. The grin gets broader when I compare the ready appreciation of this art with the slowness with which “youthwork for adults” has been accepted in many worshiping communities. The Manga gospels […]

Fresh Expressions Mission Thought of the Day

Creative Placemaking

Those interested in pioneer ministry will hopefully be recognise many common ways of working in this article (and perhaps even identify glimmers of micro-gospels). The article is about creative placemaking, and a phrase which stood out to me is: “The common thread amongst various definitions, however, is that it is a process that helps to […]

Arts Creative Worship Fresh Expressions Mission Outerweave

Art and Crafts 2022

A Quartz Outerweave at Kirkcudbright Art and Crafts Trail We will be #SensingSpirituality in Kirkcudbright during the last weekend of July 2022. The trail is open from 11am to 5pm on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. You can find more info here We were last there in 2017, and are looking forward to returning. This […]

Mission Thought of the Day


There is an importance in places. I sometimes wonder what it is like to grow up in the digitally connected world. It is quite possible that many who are now in their 30’s have never been in a place where it wasn’t possible to pick up a device and phone, or latterly video message, a […]

Lent Mission Theology


Who would be interested in gathering round a table to spend time thinking about what it is to become a missional community? I’ve had a basic introduction to this resource and it is an engaging tool for helping think about what church community is and could become. There is a video describing it here: It’s […]

AngelCanopy Creative Worship Forest Church Mission

Quantum of Solace

There is a story told of an estate owner. He managed his land by letting it out to tenants. Each one held a plot, and they had freedom to develop it as they saw fit. The story doesn’t say how much help each of them got in establishing themselves, but other stories let us assume […]

2021 Review Fresh Expressions Mission Outerweave

Quartz – looking forward

What activities would you like to see Quartz getting underway? Art installations in St Johns building and elsewhere? Outerweave #SensingSpirituality in community settings? Forest Church? Ignation Spirituality? Blended online/physical housegroup? The Floating Monastery? Other ideas … Pleaae comment.

Arts Creative Worship Fresh Expressions Mission Thought of the Day

Creative Worship

In the 1980’s and 90’s something called “Alternative Worship” emerged. What happened, where did the explosion of creative energy lead, how many of the communities are still recognisable and what are the people who were involved doing now? As a start, here are some links to introduce readers who may be unfamilar with the concept. […]

Fresh Expressions Mission

Time to Reflect

There is a flow between thinking and doing. It is good to plan ahead, but sometimes you just need to get stuck in and get on with it. This was the approach we took with Quartz. The time has come now to sit back and reflect on what has happened, remember why we started out […]