climate change creation Forest Church


Domination, Paternalism, or Participation? How do we relate to the land, and how should we relate to it? In the theme of rewilding ecological science and the theology of forest church come together, if you are willing to risk being described as a little mad. There are a lot of links you can click on […]

climate change Forest Church

Forest Church May 2024

Summertime … We will meet, as is our custom, at 2pm outside the Crichton chapel. Dress for the weather, and bring what you need to be comfortable walking around the grounds. We will meet in the peace of Jesus, read from the Bible and read from the environment. Many of us will have had a […]

climate change Thought of the Day

Sea Change

Things can change for the better, and Jesus reveals that change. This post is about prophesy, the gift given for building up the Church. Prophets reveal things, and in the stories when people respond things get better – or at least the calamity that approaches is averted. When the religious authorities (whose role it was […]

climate change Forest Church

FC April 2024

Earth Day On the 18th of May we are spending a morning in St Johns exploring “Creative Church Building”. The two most popular topics with people who have registered so far are “Forest Church” and “Modern Pilgrimage”. If you are interested, our own St John’s Forest Church gathering is at 2pm this Sunday. Meet outside […]

climate change Thought of the Day

Driving Climate change

Electric or Fossil fuel vehicle? If you value restoring a right relationship with the rest of creation then environmental impact is a big concern. How can you make the best choice? Everything has an impact, but the impact of oil use, and fossil fuels in general, has been off the scale. This is a global […]

#SensingSpirituality climate change Forest Church

Land Art

ANDY GOLDSWORTHY is one of the pioneers of land art. Galloway was his playground for a while, but you will have to search out the tracks of his influence. The story is told that when he first explored making art in this way he was told to take photos of it, otherwise how could he […]

Arts climate change Forest Church

Christmas Tree Festival

2024 St Johns Christmas tree festival Have you dropped in to see the Quartz tree yet? Opening Times Wednesday 6 December, 7pm – 9pm Thursday 7, Friday 8 and Saturday 9 December, 10am to 9pm Sunday 10 December, 1.30pm to 4.00pm

climate change Thought of the Day


I’m just back from spending most of a weekend in the woods (Barrhill woodland Festival 2022) with the Cluaran part of Wordsmith Crafts. We created a “Land of Legends” where people could listen to epic stories, learn to braid cord friendship bracelets, and test their skills with ancient games. This was part of a wider […]

climate change

COP 26 Prayer Boats

Join in and set sail for climate Justice News Sent in By Lizzie, Some of us are meeting up on Monday morning to help each other explore prayer as a community. Lizzie has suggested that we make some boats! Not just in case the sea levels rise, but because politicians are meeting in Glasgow to […]

Arts climate change Thought of the Day

Curiosity, Creativity and the Climate

This is event is happening on the day I post it – so not much advance warning I’m afraid. Even if the event has passed by the time you read this though, follow the link and find out more. Perhaps it will encourage and inspire you. Even just knowing that Christian Aid have a […]