

Many examples of flow at forest church on Sunday! We met as usual, and after catching up, sharing Christ’s Peace and reading from the gospel, we settled down to make string. Grasping the nettles firmly we drew off the stinging bits. Flattening and scraping off the core, we found the long fibres which can be […]


June Forest Church

Sunday the 16th of June We will meet as Quartz Forest Church as usual outside the Crichton chapel at 2pm. Between every two pines is a doorway to a new world – John Muir But exploration is a skill. Expeditions take preparation and practice. Simply walking between two trees might not open the door. We […]

climate change Fresh Expressions Lent Mission Uncategorized


Today’s lent thinking revolves around Jesus praying in Gethsemane. The story describes him feeling powerful emotions as he anticipates where his path will lead him. Most people avoid fear and anger and the situations where we may experience these emotional states. There is a tradition of “Via Negitiva” though. I react badly to (hate?) Disney […]


Reason and Spirituality

Sometimes we are in the position where our head tells us one thing and our heart the other. It is important to recognise the difference, but unless we can reconcile the two ways of knowing how do we know how to act? Or should we deny one and follow the other? This is not a […]

2ndSunday Creative Worship Uncategorized

2nd Sunday in December

Creative Worship for the 3rd Sunday in Advent (the 13th of December) Firstly, my appologies if you thought this was happening this weekend. A bit of a calendar clash – 2nd Sunday in December is the 3rd in Advent. Psalm 126 or Lk 1: 46b-55 The texts linked to above are taken from the readings […]