Art is part responding to the invisible urges of the moment, and part trudging through debris to carve out a new furrow. Each artist has their own methods, but for me I relish the importance of wildness in the way I work. I expect, and look out for, moments and find that this is rewarded by things coming together in ways beyond what I can imagine.
So several decades of staring at engravings, the waters of the Nith, an opportunity to reflect provided by “The Stove Network” and a day with just the right light on the fallen leaves all came together one morning.
Another Stove project is “Nithraid” and one of it’s themes is restoring the relationship the people of Dumfries has with the river. #NithMirror was born staring at the water, and reflecting – finding insight. The labyrinth in the leaves is made by walking in a way which transforms the park on the river bank.
Within minutes of making the labyrinth kids were racing into the middle of it and puzzling out its path. #NithMirror won’t solve all the problems of flooding, car parking or closed businesses- but it did draw out something deeply rooted in human being, and invites people to become involved with their landscape.
Look out for more #NithMirror incarnations! And take some time out to reflect while you watch a video of the remaking of the labyrinth and listen to Kate singing “Who Knows Where the Time Goes”