Arts Christmas Light Creative Worship

Christmas Light

Follow this link to find out more!

As Christmas approaches Christians are thinking about the light of Jesus coming into the world. All over the world we will be spending time becoming aware of ways in which this light makes the world a better place to live in.

We invite you join us in this by contemplating the ways in which you bring light into your relationships with the world and those close to you.

We believe that everyone has the potential to be a unique nugget of joy! So your response could be as simple as writing your name. You could also think more deeply and write, draw, or make something to symbolise the ways you uniquely do this.

Take a photo of your response and send it to We will print and add your contribution to a mirror as part of an installation in St Johns Dumfries. Added to a collection of over 100 mirrors it will catch the light and shimmer for everyone who drops in to experience it.

We will be posting photos and videos of the process online for those who are unable or, would prefer not to, visit the building.

Follow this link to find out more!


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