Arts Creative Worship Interweave

Quartz Candlemas

On Sunday the 30th of January we will hold the first Interweave of 2022. It runs from 6 till 7 and please remember to take a lateral flow test before you come. We will need to wear masks while moving around the building.

At an Interweave you can expect to find a broad range of music, arts, and crafts, used to help people practice #SensingSpirituality . They are collaborative but also aim to provide space to participate with integrity for everyone who comes, whether they would consider themselves a close friend of Jesus – or are just curious.

Interweaves are held within the church building, so it is assumed that participants are at least curious though. This makes them slightly different to Quartz Outerweaves, where we use similar activities but in public spaces or where invited and tailor them to the people we meet without such an expectation.

Candlemass 2022

This Interweave starts with the stories of Anna and Simeon. They have been waiting in the temple, praying and expecting their Messiah. When Simeon sees Jesus he bursts into poetry saying

Master, now you are dismissing your servant[e] in peace,

    according to your word;

30 for my eyes have seen your salvation,

31     which you have prepared in the presence of all peoples,

32 a light for revelation to the Gentiles

    and for glory to your people Israel.’

read more here…

We are going to focus on the idea that Jesus is the light of the world, a revelation, and do this using candles.

We will present four ways to use the craft of candlemaking to reflect on the text. Each one could be described as being suited to head, heart, hands, or eyes. The head and hearts activities offer a chance to become aware of truths revealed within you. The hands and eyes offer a chance to discover meaning though looking and doing. You may have a preference, but the aim is to provide a diversity of ways to explore and express the subject rather than pigeon hole people!

Heart – Dip candles

This is a ritual, meditative approach. We are using pure beeswax to make these candles, and the activity will take place in a special part of the church surrounded by reflected light and artwork. You are encouraged to dip the candle, then walk around the building or sit and contemplate the events in the temple imaginatively – soaking up the atmosphere. As you build the layers on the candle, sink more deeply into the story. When you light the candle in the future let the remembered light of the experience fill your mind.

Hands – Recycled Wax

Jesus promises transformation. The broken bits of candle can be melted and remade into something new. As you participate in the action of collecting the broken pieces contemplate the spiritual need for and significance of transformation. Let the old become new.

Head – Illuminating letters

Take some time to explore the text. Look up the references and search the links to deeper meaning. This is an area for study and meditation on the meaning. You could express what you find by writing a short piece, or just pick a few words that stand out to you. The paper they are written on can then be waxed and placed into the mould. When you pour wax in they will become part of the candle, illuminated by the burning flame.

Eyes – Illuminating art

Look around the building. The people who built it have expressed their experience of the light of Christ using visual arts. They were inspired by those who came before them and used the best of the art of their era to hand things on. Does anything stand out to you? Capture it in a sketch, or use the pictures printed out to express what is important to you, wax them and place them in the mould ready to be illuminated by the candle.

Sending out

These are the main activities of the evening, but whilst doing them we can discuss with each other and help ‘illuminate’ the story by collaborating.

To recognise that this is a collective and ongoing activity everyone can roll a second beeswax candle, light it and place it in a sand tray together. The candles we have spent the evening making will then be blessed, and you can choose to light it for the first time before you take it away with you from the collective flame.


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0 replies on “Quartz Candlemas”

I appreciated taking time to make light in different ways and helping others to do the same. We became a group of illumination pilgrims for a brief while which made a unique bond between us. I was able to worship in a relaxed way. Thanks for enabling the event to happen.

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