#SensingSpirituality Angel Cloud

War Fatigue

Two years ago in 2022 we set up this display as a response to the attack on Ukraine. Around the world in the last few days people have been remembering that the conflict continues.

Every year Christians start a journey through Lent. Knowing that Easter Sunday is coming we can voluntarily enter the ‘wilderness’. Jesus, God, is there learning to find nourishment more essential to life than bread.

The Angels we used to carry our feelings of grief also carried our joy when they ‘flew’ along the ceiling in St Johns towards Christmas. Remembering to hope, and times of joy, helps us endure the long trudge. To overcome our fatigue.

When it all gets a bit too much, find an outlet for your rage – like the Psalmists did in their poetry! When you are too tired to feel, look for the gentleness of the divine in small things, like the song of a bird greeting spring.

One reply on “War Fatigue”

We still feel the war in Ukraine as keenly as when it started. They are fighting for our freedom as well as their own and we pray daily for an end to the killing.

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