CLC News

Celtic Saints

Our brothers and sisters, living and departed… We cover a wide range of topics when we meet twice a month for CLC meetings. This January we are looking at a book called “Restoring the Woven Cord” and the threads of Church woven by ancestors like Mungo, Aiden, Hilde and many, many, more. The stories of […]

#SensingSpirituality Arts Faith_and_Art_2025

Sensing Spirituality

What can 5 physical senses reveal? The first of our 2025 Faith and Art workshops has the title “Sensing Beauty”. We won’t be spending our time trying to find a way to define beauty, or even agree on what each person finds attractive or beautiful. If you are interested in that, there are scientific papers […]



Some news of a special event in Whithorn from our friends over in (Church Without Walls) Wigtown. From February onwards they will be resuming their usual pattern of evening Taize-inspired meetings on the First Friday of each month – and, for the next few months at least, these will all be based in Sacred Heart […]


January, Faith and Art.

This short film contains a short invitation from “Cathbad” to using your mind to see the invisible heritage accessed through the ruins at Lincluden. In January series of “Faith and Art” workshops are planned with St Michaels church. These are an opportunity to gather and develop the skills of Seeing, Exploring, Understanding and Expressing matters […]


12 days of Christmas

Most of us are enjoying a rest now, a lull in activity after a busy Christmas and before Hogmanay. Echoes of an older practice in England can be found in this article by English Heritage: Whilst there are many shared traditions between Scotland and England, this article illuminates some of the differences. What are […]


Merry Christmas!

Be valiant, courageous. Wereman, Wifman and all! May your faith take you places that challenge your beliefs, and give you the strength to transform with mirth.


Silent night

As Christmas 2024 approaches why not take some time out to reflect on Christmas last year and this post from the North East of Scotland. And perhaps spend a moment in peace with two Christians near Bethlehem. (sent in by Gill)

#SensingSpirituality Arts

Faith and Art In January

A series of practical sessions exploring the relationship between Faith, Art and Creativity. Four Wednesdays in January (8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th).We will meet in St Michaels church hall from 1pm to 3pm. The sessions are free and here is the info about the first one If you have time over Christmas and want to find […]

Forest Church

QFC Dec2024

Hugging trees and reflecting on time. It was a cold and windy day today, which is normal for Scotland in December, but it was also damp. We met in peace and took a moment to become aware of our surroundings. Our reading was from the book of Luke. We discussed what could be considered “fruit” […]

Forest Church

QFC Dec 2024

We will meet, as is our custom, at 2pm in the Crichton estate outside the chapel. As there is a contempory service at St Johns this evening we will have a simple time of prayer and reflection. Since it is almost the Solstice we can spend some time working out the age of the trees […]