In science fiction the reader is often given a glimpse of present reality from an imagined future perspective. The first panel in this story reminded my both of the optimism of the atomic era, and the growing recognition that something was wrong with the way we were using oil. It was an era of Mutually […]
Category: climate change
This post is a collection of the things which Quartz people have been sending in because they found them interesting. Creation time This year Eco-Congregation Scotland and Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT) combine to provide a bank of resources of real value to congregations, in a variety of current media, to facilitate ‘Creation Time/Creationtide/Season of […]
Around 2018 as a group we read “Forest Church” a Field Guide to a Spiritual Connection with Nature . Some of the idea and principles within the book are part of regular Quartz activities – for example the #SensingSpirituality walks and have been for a long time. Some of you may remember the 2017 Summer […]

Today’s lent thinking revolves around Jesus praying in Gethsemane. The story describes him feeling powerful emotions as he anticipates where his path will lead him. Most people avoid fear and anger and the situations where we may experience these emotional states. There is a tradition of “Via Negitiva” though. I react badly to (hate?) Disney […]
Today is the day (16th of March) The Eco Congregation Scotland network are running a series of events to help you think about things you can do in response to climate change. Especially since representatives of the current ‘winners’ in the status quo are gathering in Glasgow this year. You may wish to sign up […]