#SensingSpirituality Creative Worship Easter2024 Forest Church

Easter 2024

Quartz Holy Saturday Pilgrimage and Easter Sunday Forest Church BBQ (30th and 31st of March)

Holy Saturday

On Saturday the 30th we are planning a pilgrimage. We will gather outside St Johns building and then travel to Lincluden Abbey.

After a pause for reflection there we will continue on, and thousands of years back in time, to the 12 apostles. While we are there we will help re-align them for the clock change. (Summertime ends on the 31st of March)

There will be options to walk there and back, or to travel by car. When we meet we can work out lift sharing to make this accessible. Full details will follow on a dedicated page.

We hope to create a shared space on this walk where people of all faiths and none can meet together to explore the sentiment that humans are more than their physical elements. We practice #SensingSpirituality through our physical senses to explore, understand, and express sensations such as #SensingOtherness, #SensingMeaningfulness, #SensingAwareness and many more.

This is an opportunity to sense connections with these medieval and ancient stones and the people who placed them. #SensingMeaningfulness

It is an opportunity to take time out and move our bodies so that we can become mindful of where we are and practice #SensingAwareness

Easter Sunday

As has become our habit we will meat up for a Forest Church celebration on the banks of the river Nith. You can see what this looked like last year here. It is a bring and share BBQ where we either take a mini pilgrimage upstream along the river footpath after the 11 O’clock service in St Johns, or park in the Nunholm car park and take a short stroll downstream. we share food, fish cooked on the coals and tell stories of the resurrection.

More details will follow on a dedicated page!

(My apologies if some of the links don’t work, some past posts have not transferred from the old site – I’m working on it!)


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