Forest Church

Forest Church

2.00 – 20.02.2022 We will meet at 2pm outside the Crichton chapel as usual. Please keep an especial eye out for the weather forecast as there could be snow in D&G this weekend. Dress for the weather, and even if the snowdrops are hiding under the cailleachs cloak you will be comfortable enough to find […]

Forest Church

November Forest Church

There was a wind blowing through the Crichton today. The fallen leaves were rustling, dried by a sunny day and drifting around the contours of the grass. Our attention was drawn to a dandelion, a last bloom of yellow on the green looking up at the yellow on the blue. There was a rhododendron in […]

Thought of the Day

Psalm 8

A song from my childhood What balance of responsibilities and rights does our relationship with heaven and earth require?