Quartz has been using Haiku this weekend as part of the Wordsmith Crafts CiC setup at Kirkcudbright Art and Crafts trail. The following is taken from notes written by Kate, who has been leading this activity. We have been giving people a space to stop. The whole of Kirkcudbright becomes a walking trail and on […]
Tag: Sprituality
There is a much quoted insight gained by Jeremiah when he watched a potter working away making clay pots. This can be encountered in many ways. For a moment though, imagine what it is like to be the clay on a potters wheel. Your centre is hardly moving at all, but travelling outwards the speed […]
Reflection in the Nith

Just over year ago I spent a while reflecting by the river Nith. https://vimeo.com/410546889 By the end of the year the reflection had spread onto the land. And then into the high street. And, of course, this involved a fair bit of experimentation in and around my workshop. And even some board games.
Knowing Jesus

Lent – 2021 Quartz Lent group How can we help each other journey to Easter in these strange times? Collectively, and in our households. You are invited to join our Lent study group from the 17th of February to Sunday the 4th of April. We will use the “Knowing Jesus” material available online from the […]