Sunday at Kirkcudbright Art and Crafts trail. It was a busy day, with three of us working all the time. Since it was so busy, there have been less words written to describe it! – no rain so we were able to put up the bunting and have the tent fully open with the chairs […]
Tag: Quartz
Quartz has been using Haiku this weekend as part of the Wordsmith Crafts CiC setup at Kirkcudbright Art and Crafts trail. The following is taken from notes written by Kate, who has been leading this activity. We have been giving people a space to stop. The whole of Kirkcudbright becomes a walking trail and on […]
Reflection in the Nith

Just over year ago I spent a while reflecting by the river Nith. By the end of the year the reflection had spread onto the land. And then into the high street. And, of course, this involved a fair bit of experimentation in and around my workshop. And even some board games.

What does a typical 3 Months in Quartz look like? This is a bit like asking what typical weather is like in a Scottish day. There will be a recognisable constant of four seasons, and at certain times of the year it is more probable that one will dominate the others. It is quite likely […]
Kingdom or Earworm?

A busker sets up on the high street. Some people nod and keep walking, some pause to listen, some start dancing. Still more record and share on their phones, or go home and find some piping. Others find some string and a box, or spoons, or even click on a digital tip jar. The music […]

The following quote comes from a translation of the life of St Mungo as told by Jocelin of Furness early in the 12th Century. The robin in the story is the one on the coat of arms of Glasgow, and its story is well known. What is perhaps less well known is this discussion about […]
8 Finally, beloved,[a] whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about[b] these things. During the month of Februrary, Quartz encourages you to take time out for reflection each day. Set yourself a […]