Ignation Spirituality

Time for reflection

Truth and beauty, Wigtown, Sunday 6.20 am

Arts Fresh Expressions Ignation Spirituality Outerweave


Quartz has been using Haiku this weekend as part of the Wordsmith Crafts CiC setup at Kirkcudbright Art and Crafts trail. The following is taken from notes written by Kate, who has been leading this activity. We have been giving people a space to stop. The whole of Kirkcudbright becomes a walking trail and on […]

Creative Worship Ignation Spirituality Lent Lent 2022

Quartz Lent 7/3/22

The next Quartz lent meeting will be one of contemplative reflection. This basically means that people can talk, and be actively listened too, but it isn’t a time for critical bible study or deep rational analysis. This balances up the other Lent meetings where we will by exploring set questions and discussion to work out […]

Creative Worship Ignation Spirituality prayers

CLC Monday the 7th of Feb

Yesterday evening the Quartz Christian Life Community met up. We discussed what was going on in our lives, and spent time listening to God. To us do this Andy had chosen a reading, prepared some prayers, and provided a reflection/response activity. The passage chosen was Isaiah ch.6 vs 1-8 . The prayers were inspired by […]

Ignation Spirituality

CLC Monday the 10th

The vestry at St John’s in Dumfries have decided to pause meeting in the building as a precaution to reduce the risk of spreading Covid-19. This means that our CLC group won’t be meeting as planned on the 10th. However, activity has not stopped! This is a meditation prepared by Alison that can be used […]

Ignation Spirituality prayers

CLC monday the 15th of December

Alison will be leading our CLC meeting on Monday the 15th of November at 7.30 She will use the text from 1 Samuel 1: 4-20 as a focus and we will have paper and pens etc. to respond as we listen to some music. She also suggests that the canticle for Sunday from 1 Samuel 2: 1-10 might be […]

Ignation Spirituality prayers

CLC week 3

We will meet again in St Johns on Monday the 4th of October for 7.30 pm If you know anyone who would be interested in exploring the idea of a Christian Life Community (CLC) please invite them to the next meeting. We decided to continue to experiment with the “Lectio Divina” technique combined with keeping […]

Ignation Spirituality Thought of the Day

The End of the Day

It is quite warm at the moment in Dumfries. Warm and humid with a thunderstorm waiting to break. This potential could go anywhere, but until it is released it is difficult to shake the cloying muggy feel of it all. I am fairly sure that this is not an experience unique to me. On Sunday […]

Ignation Spirituality prayers

Ignatian Spirituality

Introduction to the Examen Prayer 25 July at 6pm UK (British Summer) Time Nearly 500 years ago, St Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus, developed the Examen as a prayer to help people better discern the forces of God and the false spirit at work in their daily lives.  At this gathering, […]