Arts Thought of the Day

Thinking Day

Contemplation through cameras. “World Thinking Day” is an international event started by the girl guides and recognised by the scouts too. You can read more about it here Quartz has worked with Stephen Ross before to capture the light reflected from mirrors in one of our Christmas installations. The pictures in this post comes from […]

Thought of the Day

Simple Things

This picture is a throw away thing. But if you look at the number of people who have seen it that’s about 2200 folk thinking of Jesus, God in human form, with a smile on their faces. What would St Ignatius think? Perhaps their thoughts won’t have been the deepest of contemplations, but how often […]

Forest Church Thought of the Day

Iron Galls

Ink is kinda magical. “It’s a bridge between the world of flesh and blood and the world of thoughts and dreams”. Can you imagine how the first people to see books and realise how they work felt? Have you ever wondered about the social and spiritual effects of introducing the technology of the printing press? […]

Thought of the Day


Is holiness the preserve of white gowned angels singing a perfected concert of praise? Or is that an artists impression intended to inspire you to seek out a very ordinary existence, but where things taste right and people are gentle with each other. Or when you see people in gritty everyday work but living together […]

Thought of the Day

Brother Sun Sister Moon

A story of St Francis Have you seen this film? I was introduced to it recently and thought it was beautiful in so many ways. It is an artists impression of a life rather than a historians, but for more information about his life you could start here:

Fresh Expressions Thought of the Day


This story might be familiar to you, but what happens if you read it imaginatively ? Do you imagine yourself as the seed, the sower, or elsewhere in the farming environment? The story can be found in the collection of books here: What was the storyteller thinking of when the story was told, or […]

#SensingSpirituality Thought of the Day


At Christmas we remembered the story of Jesus being born, fully man. Rooted in a particular place and time. How many of us live in the place we grew up in, or continue the same occupation as our parents? Even if we do, how much of our everyday lives are spent connected with the soil […]

Thought of the Day

Merry Christmas

#SensingSpirituality Thought of the Day


If you were omnicompetent, understood everything and held the expanse of time like a lump of clay in your hand – how would you handle creating everything? Or scale it down to something as simple as a trip to your ancestral home. Would an unexpected pregnancy, room booking failure, and the univited arrival of a […]

Arts Thought of the Day


The featured photos are of a piece of interactive art in a cafe about five years ago. They have spread though facebook and pop will pop in memories for years to come. Another addition to the colourful expression of life in winter. But have you ever wondered if Angels are real, and if so what […]